Bicycle Parking
Bicycle parking areas are available at the school. If a student rides a bicycle to school, the bicycle should be in the rack by the front doors. Bicycles are not to be ridden on the sidewalk or on the grounds while buses are loading or unloading. Bicycles will not be ridden during recess or noon hour.
General Behavior/Conduct
Staff and students at the North Sentral Kossuth Community School will work together to help each reach their fullest potential. Everyone will be treated with respect and dignity. Any behavior or action that helps someone grow and mature will be encouraged. Staff will keep students focused on our school guidelines, which follow:
- I am responsible for my learning. It is up to me to make right choices and insure my own success.
- I will respect myself, others and property. Our school is a supportive place to be that encourages respect for self, others and property. North Sentral Kossuth Community School will not allow behavior that could harm you or someone else. Respecting property includes caring for our school, equipment, and the personal property of classmates and staff.
- I will act in a safe and caring way. North Sentral Kossuth Community School is a safe place. Caring individuals are polite, treat others with respect, accept differences and deal with disagreements through peaceful conflict resolution.
- I will try to do my best and encourage others as well.
Lockers/Locker Searches
Individual lockers are the property of the school district. Students shall use the locker assigned to them unless the principal approves the use of another one. Padlocks may be used, and the school will provide them upon request. Items of value (money, jewelry, CD players, etc) should not be left in a locker. Coats, books, book bags, and other similar items must be stored in the locker.
Each student is responsible for keeping their locker clean and in good repair. Damage caused by misuse will be charged to the student responsible. Locker malfunctions should be reported to the office.
Locker Inspections may be conducted at any time by school officials without any suspicion of wrongdoing by students. Either the student whose locker is being inspected or another person shall be present when a school official conducts a locker inspection. Any contraband (possession of items in violation of law or school rules) that is visible will be confiscated by school officials. Depending on the nature of the contraband, a recommendation for counseling, a parental conference, or medical, or other referral may occur.
Searches: A student, the student’s belongings, locker, or car may be searched by school officials whenever a reasonable suspicion exists that the student has violated or is violating either the law or school rules. The student will be invited to be present for the search when feasible. Any contraband will be confiscated and may be turned over to law enforcement.From time to time, school officials may patrol the parking lot. Contraband that is visible when a person looks into a vehicle may create reasonable suspicion for further search. The student will be asked to consent to a more thorough search. If consent is refused, a student’s parent/guardian will be contacted for consent. If the apparent contraband is illegal, law enforcement will be contacted.
Student Appearance
Student clothing shall be appropriate for the educational environment. Shoes must be worn at all times for health reasons. Clothing or other apparel promoting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, displaying obscene material, profanity, or reference to subversion are not appropriate for school. The administration reserves the right to judge what is acceptable and what is not. Students in violation of this policy will be asked to remove the offending item of clothing. Students may be asked to wear an alternate item from the office. If students must go home to change clothes, the time is considered an unexcused absence.
Caps and any other head covering may not be worn during the student day. Students attending middle school and high school need to wear shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses, etc. at an appropriate length. Pants/shorts that are worn too low on the hips are not permitted. Unacceptable attire includes halter tops, spaghetti-strap tops, tops that are low cut in front and back, tops with oversize arm openings, and spandex tops or shorts. The administration and staff reserve the right to determine what is appropriate.